Sunday, December 16, 2012


My barbies have three places or homes. One of them is a camper, another is a Rapunzel tower, the last one is the dream house. It has an elevator, three levels a bedroom with a deck, a bathroom and a living room, and the kitchen. The tower has secret places to hide things. In the bed there is a flap that opens and the pet lizard sleeps in. Another place is the floor. In the floor there is a tile that flips up and I like to put Rapunzel's makeup in there. The last place is the camper. In the camper there are two hammocks a TV a hot tub and a kitchen area. In the back there is a toilet and a shower. The camper is always ready to go. I have so many barbies I don't have enough room! :)


  1. I loved Barbies when I was a kid!

    -Amy from California

  2. Oh my, that sounds like a very cool camper.

  3. Gee wizz that sounds like alot of barbies. But that camper souunds fabulous! I loved barbies when I was younger! (:
