Sunday, March 11, 2012

Diamond's Butterfly Adventure

Once upon a time there was a girl named Diamonds. She lived in a nice house with her mom, dad and her brother Chase. She was playing in her yard when she saw the most beautiful butterfly she had ever seen. She ran inside as fast as she could to get her magnifying glass so she could look at the butterfly’s wings. But when she came back out she saw the butterfly flying away! She went back inside and asked if she could go on an adventure.

Her parents said that she could if she packed the things she needed. So she packed her stuff, and set out to find the butterfly. On her quest, she saw many different animals like blue bird, raccoon, fox and a wolf. Before she was even half way through the forest, it was dark out. She new that sleeping would make it harder to find the butterfly so she searched until she felt tired.

When Diamonds felt tired, she set up the tent and went to sleep. The next day she saw the butterfly flying right in front of her! Diamonds did not move for a couple seconds and then she moved very slowly. She reached for a jar she had brought and filled it with dirt, leaves and a twig. She also got out her magnifying glass and she caught the butterfly.

She looked at the butterfly while she took it home to show her mom, dad and brother. They all said that they had never seen a butterfly with that design on the wings. So from that day on the butterfly is on Diamond’s shelf to live.


  1. I love the story mabey you should make more!Im Eulisa from mr.millers 5th grade class hopefully you can comment on some of the stuff on our blog.

  2. Thanks! Leave me your link so I can look at your blog. I have another story written and a third one started!

  3. I love your story it's so cute you should visit our blog at
