Wednesday, October 17, 2012

About my Lego Friends

Angelina and I built a house for them, it is made out of a shoebox.
Then, we put in walls and made rooms.
Also, we put in the furniture.
While the Lego friends are there they play with each other.
Sometimes they go over to the Barbie's house and play.
While they are there they are there they sleep in the Barbie's bed.
And eat their food and sometimes party.
Last, they watch T.V.
My next blog will be about Barbies...


  1. Can't wait to read about the Barbies!

  2. Very neat Piper. sounds interesting keep blogging. I am so impressed Melissa from Poughkeepsie, NY.... you should find it on a map.

  3. Piper, do they do the drink of friendship?

    -Uncle Gomer

  4. Nice story ,i like fun fun. Can not wait read another story
