Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Austin and Ally

I found about this website on Disney Channel. We went on the computer and typed in the address - I went to poster making and made this poster. I like the show Austin and Ally. You can go and make a poster too at:

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Sunday, February 19, 2012


Tortoiseshell cat carrying her kitten up a fli...Image via Wikipedia
Once upon a time there were two friends, Cat and Kitten. Then there was Goat who had no friends. He tried to play with Cat and Kitten but they thought he was ugly and would head butt them. And those were the only friends around Goat's neighborhood. Goat felt sad because he had no friends.

Kitten said to Cat, "I think we should play with him."

"We should, " said Cat.

And they did.

This is a myth about no matter what you look like A 2 month old goat kid in a field of capeweedImage via Wikipediaon the outside, it's about what's on the inside.
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A snake is not slimy,
A snake is not climby.
A snake is very dry,
but a snake cannot fly.
What does a snake do?
All it does is slither around you!